Performance and Security of Group Signature in Wireless Networks


  • Joshua J. Tom Department of Computer Science, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria
  • Prof Boniface. K. Alese Department of Computer Science, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria
  • Dr. Aderonke F. Thompson Department of Computer Science, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria
  • Dr. Nlerum P. Anebo Department of Computer Science, Federal University, Otuoke, Nigeria


Wireless network, authentication, security, anonymity, untraceability, group signature.


A Group signature protocol is a cryptographic scheme that decouples a user identity and location from verification procedure during authentication. In a group signature scheme, a user is allowed to generate signatures on behalf of other group members but identity and location information of the signer is not known by a verifier. This ensures privacy, authentication and unlinkability of users. Although group signature is expensive to implement, its existential anonymity, non-repudiation and untraceablility properties make it attractive especially for resources-constrained devices in wireless network. A general group signature scheme usually contains six basic phases: setup (or key generation), join, message signing (or signature generation), signature verification, open and user revocation. In this paper, an evaluation of the performance of group signature based on three of the phases mentioned above is considered and its security in wireless networks examined. The key generation, signing and verification algorithms are implemented in Java 8. A proof of security of group signature by implication is also presented.


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How to Cite

J. Tom, J., K. Alese, P. B., F. Thompson, D. A., & P. Anebo, D. N. (2018). Performance and Security of Group Signature in Wireless Networks. International Journal of Computer (IJC), 29(1), 82–98. Retrieved from


