Workplace Factors That Shape IT Project Success


  • Dan Schilling Nguyen Mt Washington College National Online Program, 1015 Windward Ridge Parkway, Alpharetta, GA 30005, USA


Leadership Effectiveness, Virtual Team, Workplace Factors.


Information technology (IT) project success depends on having a project manager with effective decision-making, leadership, and project management skills. Project success also depends on completing the project in a given budget, time, and scope. However, there is a limited understanding of the lived experiences of IT managers and the following workplace factors: cultural, functional, and organizational differences. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to understand these lived experiences of 20 IT project managers or leaders at global workplaces based in the United States. The research questions were focused on the effect of these workplace factors on information technology project success. In accordance with nonrandom purposeful sampling strategies, a snowball technique was used to find more participants. An open-ended, e-mail questionnaire was created and sent to participants to collect data. The data were coded to discern themes or patterns. According to study results, team members should acquire a broader array of knowledge and experience; appreciate other cultures to create a more trusted working environment, leverage technical expertise and skills to foster team effectiveness, reduce project risks, gain and diversify skill sets; achieve more tasks in shorter time frame, and allow members to use creativity and talent. This study has implications for positive social change because organizations that understand the workplace factors may be able to improve project management strategies and cost benefits leading to higher efficiency, profitability, and productivity thus benefiting management, employees, and customers. 


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How to Cite

Nguyen, D. S. (2016). Workplace Factors That Shape IT Project Success. International Journal of Computer (IJC), 20(1), 83–156. Retrieved from


