Creating Custom Animations Using Motionlayout in Android


  • Chike Mgbemena Mobile Software Engineer,Lagos, Nigeria


custom animations, animations, using Motion Layout, Motion Layout, android applications, IT, programming


This article discusses the process of creating custom animations using Motion Layout in Android. Motion Layout, as an extension of ConstraintLayout, provides developers with a powerful tool for managing animations and transitions between layouts. The main focus is on describing the features of Motion Layout, such as creating smooth transitions and complex animation effects with a minimum amount of code, as well as integration with various user interactions. An overview of the key components, including MotionScene and ConstraintSet, that provide flexibility and power in animation development is provided. Practical code examples and recommendations for using Motion Layout to improve the user interface of mobile applications are considered. The article also focuses on the relevance and demand for the use of animations in modern mobile applications, supporting this with statistical data on the growth of the mobile device market and user expectations.


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How to Cite

Chike Mgbemena. (2024). Creating Custom Animations Using Motionlayout in Android. International Journal of Computer (IJC), 51(1), 180–188. Retrieved from


