Finding a Correct Measure of Information Systems: The Integration of UTAUT and Lin Model into IS Success Model
model, information systems, factors, UTAUT, DeLone and McLean IS model, Lin model, Lashayo10.Abstract
Finding effective and comprehensive model to measure information systems’ acceptance, use, individual and organizational impacts is tricky. This has been contributed by limited factors of existing models and frameworks. This conceptual paper aimed at proposing a comprehensive and effective information success model called Lashayo10, which will have a capability to define, explain, and measure important factors for successful acceptance, user satisfaction and use of Information Systems (IS). Random literature review will be used to assess the literature critically, and to propose an enhancement model for the IS success. The proposed model (Lashayo10) will adapt DeLone and McLean IS model integrated with UTAUT and Lin (2008) model. The Lashayo10 will be subjected to empirical validation by researchers in information systems’ projects. The novelty of this study lies on the number of effective and comprehensive measurement factors which are proposed in a single holistic model.
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