Scalable Pattern Architecture for Mobile Portal
Mobile Portal, Scalability, Pattern Architecture, Web Portal Services.Abstract
Web portal services have been adopted by large number of sectors (including education sector) in carrying out their daily transactions. However, as a result of inadequate web portal infrastructures to cater for the large number of population using this web portal, the need for mobile portal cannot be completely abandoned. Since a large number of every population (including students of higher institutions of learning) has a mobile phone with portal capabilities, this technology (mobile portal) is therefore a panacea to solving web portal problems. Today a large number of the students access the web portal using their mobile phones. However, because the portal was not built mainly for mobile phones, viewing and carrying out the complete services of the portal is a serious challenge to mobile phone users mainly in the aspect of data and forms transparency and integrity. Hence the need for building and using mobile portal cannot be under estimated. Mobile computing has improved the way of carrying out business transactions. It has simplified the task of many organizations in reaching their customers easily. It is a safe technology that can be deployed and use anywhere and at anytime. It is a technology that can be referred to as portable technology. However, many people refused to adopt this technology because of a big question about its scalability. Hence this paper has designed, demonstrates and presents scalable pattern architecture for building mobile portal using higher institution services as a reference point. The pattern architecture presented will help to achieve scalability of mobile portal when fully implemented, thereby solving the problem faced by many developers in engineering mobile portals.
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