A Comprehensive Study of Optimal Linear Pre-coding Schemes for a Massive Mu-MIMO Downlink System; a Survey
Spectral efficiency, downlink, truncated polynomial expansion, precoding, zero forcing, match filter, Rayleigh fading, channel state information.Abstract
Massive Multi-User Multiple input Multiple Output (MU-MIMO) has become one of the leading area in terms of research in wireless communication due to the fact that the number of users and applications have increased tremendously, among all the aspects of massive mu-mimo systems out there, this manuscript focuses on linear precoding for downlink (DL) system at the base station(BS). This manuscript provides a comprehensive survey of precoding techniques for downlink transmission under a single-cell (SC) scenario. In a single-cell (SC) scenario the performance of the precoding techniques, Zero-Forcing (ZF), Match Filter (MF),Truncated polynomial Expansion and Regularized Zero-Forcing (RZF) are analyzed and compared in terms of Spectral Efficiency, and Achievable sum rate, a Rayleigh fading channel under perfect channel state information (CSI) is assumed. The template is used to format your paper and style the text. All margins, column widths, line spaces, and text fonts are prescribed; please do not alter them.
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