A Survey in Deep Learning Model for Image Annotation


  • Phyu Phyu Khaing University of Computer Studies, Mandalay, Myanmar
  • May The` Yu University of Computer Studies, Mandalay, Myanmar


Image Annotation, Deep Learning Model, Datasets, Evaluation Metrics.


Image annotation is generating the human-understandable natural language sentence for images. Annotating the image with sentence is one kind of the computer vision process that includes in the artificial intelligence. Annotation is working by combining computer vision and natural language processing. In image annotation, there are two types: sentence based annotation and single word annotation. Deep learning can get the more accurate sentence for the image. This paper is the survey for image annotation that applied the deep learning model. This discusses existing methods, technical difficulty, popular datasets, evaluation metrics that mostly used for image annotation.


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How to Cite

Khaing, P. P., & The` Yu, M. (2019). A Survey in Deep Learning Model for Image Annotation. International Journal of Computer (IJC), 32(1), 54–63. Retrieved from https://ijcjournal.org/index.php/InternationalJournalOfComputer/article/view/1375


