Application of Text Summarization on Text-Based Generative Adversarial Networks


  • Muhammad Alli-Balogun University of Salford


Generative adversarial networks, Text Summarization, BART transformer, DALL-E mini, generator, discriminator


 In this project, we wish to convert long textual inputs into summarised text chunks and generate images describing the summarized text. This project aims to cultivate a model that can generate true-to-life images from summarized textual input using GAN. GANs aim to estimate and recreate the possible spread of real-world data samples and produce new pictures based on this distribution. This project offers an automated summarised text-to-image synthesis for creating images from written descriptions. The written descriptions serve as the GAN generator's conditional intake. The first step in this synthesis is the use of Natural Language Processing to bring out keywords for summarizing. BART transformers are employed. This is then fed to the GAN network consisting of a generator and discriminator. This project used a pre-trained DALL-E mini model as the GAN architecture.


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How to Cite

Muhammad Alli-Balogun. (2024). Application of Text Summarization on Text-Based Generative Adversarial Networks. International Journal of Computer (IJC), 50(1), 8–31. Retrieved from


