A Secure Application for Information Sharing in Organizations: A Case Study of Kabale District Local Government


  • Ivan Niyonzima Faculty of Science, Department of Information and Communication Technology Kabale University, P.O.Box 317, Kabale.
  • Godfrey Omoda-Onyait National Council for Higher Education.


A secure Application, Information Sharing, organizations, Crypto-graphical Methods.


Information shared is exposed to threats of confidentiality, integrity and availability needed for decision making in organizations. A case study was carried out at Kabale District local Government where interviews and questionnaires were administered to purposively selected elements of the study. The findings revealed that the information shared within the organization is exposed to potential threats that can put the organization’s information at a risk of being accessed by unauthorized users. The following factors for securing information were identified and used in the development of a secure application for information sharing in organizations. These factors include; denying unauthorized staff and other individuals from gaining access to personal data, passwords to be treated as private to the individual, secure disposal of information, paper files to store in secure locations and only accessed by those who need to use them. In this application, the information is encoded using crypto-graphical methods that cannot be easily intercepted, such that only the intended recipient is able to receive it in its original format for decoding. This makes information shared secure. The application was tested and validated by a range of stakeholders and it was found secure. For the future work, a survey will be carried out in a range of organizations in order to develop an improved application for information sharing.


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How to Cite

Niyonzima, I., & Omoda-Onyait, G. (2016). A Secure Application for Information Sharing in Organizations: A Case Study of Kabale District Local Government. International Journal of Computer (IJC), 21(1), 64–77. Retrieved from https://ijcjournal.org/index.php/InternationalJournalOfComputer/article/view/640


