Feature Prioritization-A Novel Method for Prioritization
Features, Prioritization, Stakeholders, Dependency.Abstract
One of the most important activities during features engineering is the selection and prioritization of features satisfying various explicit and implicit objectives and constraints. One of the most important steps in incremental software development is the Selection and Prioritization of features satisfying various constraints like stakeholder preference, resources, cost of development etc. As it is practically impossible to implement all the available features in the coming release there is a need to prioritize and choose only those features satisfying these technical and non-technical constraints? In addition, Stakeholder’s interest should also be considered in selecting the features that has to be included in the current version. After analyzing the different prioritization techniques, clearly understanding the drawbacks of traditional methods, the proposed algorithm for Feature prioritization can handle multiple stakeholders, feature dependency; a large feature set and provides an ordering of the generated optimum features.
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