+MRT: Centralized Web Based Application for Managing Repetitive Tasks
Centralized Web Based Application, Repetitive TasksAbstract
Abstract—Task management is broadly classified as a process of managing and assigning different tasks to co-workers, employees or subordinates throughout the life cycle of a project via project managers. Tasks can be of various natures but more specifically we are referring here tasks that are used in the software industry. In this modern world, why a project manager has to assign a repetitive task to its team members repeatedly when a new project arrives. This research paper particularly addresses this issue of automatic task management. In this research we have investigated the problems regarding task management, that can occur during the life cycle of a project and presented a web application MRT which can be effectively served as a solution to those problems. Existing applications like Jira and Trello etc. are helping project managers to automate this process. However, we argue that they are still lacking in few aspects. After examining the existing tools, we felt that there are some problems in automatic task management which are not solved yet. We have solved the problems of task management via MRT. We claim that project managers can use MRT for automatic tasks assignments. MRT novel features, therefore, eliminates the need for human effort for repetitive tasks management. Another aspect of Task management is to provide global access to information regarding tasks status to different levels of employees in hierarchy such as manager, CEO, that helps them regarding taking strategic decisions about employees and further projects. MRT can be used as a safeguard against delays and missed deadlines. More precisely our contributions are i) An algorithm for assigning automatic tasks to employees based on their skill set. ii) Tracking of task dependencies that leads to successful project completion iii) Sub Tasks dependencies tracking that are essential to consider, for declaring a task as completed, pending or not completed. iv) Notification management for timely review of tasks. v). Task Tracking at various levels. vi) Priority-based task assignment vii) Additional feature of document storage viii) Creation of Executive Dashboard of the project to visualize the important metrics. ix) Usage of state of the art ASP.Net Web APIs which ensure the use of mobile apps for MRT x) Fresh API Tokens are sent on each call to enhance the security of MRT. xi) The creation of web services that allows integration of MRT data into various devices such as mobiles, tablets etc.
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